Vongoivan J-litter expected in late February :-)
Very happy news - the lovely Minttu (FI CH, Junior Winner 2011, TK1 Vongoivan Druna) is pregnant. Just before the Christmas we visited twice Lempäälä, near Tampere, where the handsome Nekku (Punapihlajan Nettur) lives. Nekku has very good results from the health tests, likewise Minttu. Nekku also has a very charming and friendly temperament. The inbreeding percentage of the planned litter is 0.0 % in five generations.
Today (20th of Jan), Minttu's pregnancy was verified by the ultrasonic test, referring to at least 5 - 6 puppies.The Vongoivan J-litter should be born in the end of week 8, in late February. I'm very grateful for Virpi, the owner of Nekku, for welcoming us to your home with such a short warning time. There was an unexpected need to change the male in Minttu's breeding plan. Also Riitta and Merja are warmly thanked for their valuable help in the altered situation.
Considering Minttu's and Nekku's health test results, characters and exterior looks, there is a wish for healthy puppies with active and agreeable temperaments, with semi-long or long reddish or chocolate brown coats with white markings. Minttu will visit the vet before the expected delivery day, for x-ray examination, to get a more accurate estimate of the amount of the puppies. Let's hope that Minttu's pregnancy and the delivery proceed without problems.
The pedigree of the expected litter: http://jalostus.kennelliitto.fi/frmSukutaulu.aspx?RekNoE=ER44495/10&ReknoI=FI37771/10
The litter plan is published on the A-list of Islanninkoirat ry:
http://www.islanninkoirat.com/odotettavatA.pdf (the 4th litter in the list)
Minttu's all results in health tests, and in agility and obedience competitions:
The respective information for Nekku: http://jalostus.kennelliitto.fi/frmKoira.aspx?RekNo=FI37771/10&R=289
More information of Nekku can be found on the pages of his breeder, Merja Korhonen, Punapihlajan Kennel: http://www.punapihlajan.com/ Nekku's sire is Bjartur, imported from Iceland (FI CH FI OBEDIENCE CH RU CH Kersins Bjartur II), one of the few obedience champions of Icelandic Sheepdogs in Finland.
Nekku is also the sire of the latest litter, born in Tunturiketun Kennel http://www.elisanet.fi/riitta.lumiluoto/), on the 7th of Jan 2013
If you are interested in a puppy by Minttu and Nekku, please send me an e-mail, and I'm happy to tell you more. There are some preliminary reservations, especially to homes with dogs competing in agility and/or obedience. The easiest way to contact me is by e-mail paula.ruotsalainen_at_kolumbus.fi; please replace _at_ with @.
Below you can find photos of "The Christmas fairies" Minttu and Nekku, and of Minttu's nearest relations. There are more photos of my Icelandic Sheepdogs (Minttu, Stella, Inga, Kelmi and Roni), of my Sacred Birman cats and Bengal cats, and of the seven Vongoivan birman litters; and of the two previous Vongoivan ISD litters: http://www.flickr.com/photos/59026638@N08/sets/
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Minttu and Nekku after the second mating in 22.12.2013. I didn't have time to get my coat off before they were together. Deep mutual affection :-) |
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Minttu's dame is Stella (FI CH TK1 BH Runestone Mocha Latte). I imported Stella from the USA in November 2007. I'm so grateful for Elaine, http://www.runestoneicelandics.com/ for the lovely Stella, Also Stella competes in agility in the class medium 3. She is a "bee queen" - giving birth to totally 17 puppies in her two litters (Vongoivan D- and Vongoivan I-litters). Unfortunately we lost the last born puppy in both these litters. |
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The sire of Minttu is Kelmi (C.I.B,
JunCH, LVW-06, TK1, TK2, BH Astvinur Eldur). I imported Kelmi from
Sweden. Thank you very much, Ulrika (http://astvinur.islandshundar.teliaweb.se/). Kelmi is a
joyous and easy going male, loves obedience and agility. With Kelmi I compete
in the Winner class in obedience and in the medium 3 class in agility. |
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Stella is here with daughters from her two litters, Minttu and Inga. Vongoivan Inga was born in mid May in 2013. |