A month has passed since the birth of the Vongoivan J-litter. Currenly, only two puppies are available: Vongoivan Jaki, male, and Vongoivan Jodis-Eyja, female. These two are red with white markings, happy and active puppies. If you are interested of Jaki or Jodis-Eyja, please send me an email: paula.ruotsalainen_at_kolumbus.fi.
The photos of Jaki and Jodis-Eyja have been taken on Sunday, the 23rd of March. There are more photos of the other Vongoivan J-puppies in the more extensive Finnish version of this update.
Vongoivan Jaki, male puppy, red with white markings, is
Jaki is going to the water bowl. |
Quite OK, the breeder offers only fresh and pure water. |
Vongoivan Jaki has a handsome, symmetrical face, and a broad white collar. Pigmentation of the nose has started. |
Vongoivan Jodis-Eyja, female puppy, red with white markings, is
available. During the last few days, Jodis has shown her passion for pulling and fighting. The breeder's knitted coat, as well as the ear of Vongoivan Jökull are suitable for this play.
This is my coat! |
I read already the newspapers. What shall we do next? |
Vongoivan Jodis-Eyja has a lovely facial expression. She will have the colours of her Grandfather, Kelmi (C.I.B. multich Astvinur Eldur) - deep red with white markings. |
Jodis has a big character packed into the lightest body of the litter. Nothing prevents her from pulling the ear of the largest littermate, Vongoivan Jökull. |
I'll be happy to tell you more about Jaki or Jodis-Eyja. The earliest delivery date of the Vongoivan J-puppies is the 11th of April.
Message to the breeder... |
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